Define Waste

Today at work, a Monday morning, someone kindly brought in a box of Yum Yum donuts with a wonderfully colorful sign that read “HAPPY MONDAY!!!” in all caps. Not going to lie, it made me smile. There weren’t any donuts left, which was probably for the best, but my day was still brightened by this simple sign. I even took the time to clean up the box, becuase one good turn deserves another.

In cleaning up the donut box, I left the sign so that it might brighten someone else’s day. (I am fully aware that not all people are as easily made happy, but maybe…).

I walked in the work room/kitchen this afternoon to find that someone had written just below the “HAPPY MONDAY!!!” sign, “Don’t waste ink.”

Categories: People Pay Me For This! | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Define Waste

  1. Aunt Mary

    A) I hope that comment didn’t take away your smile
    B) That person needs a hug
    C) Don’t assume that your leaving the sign there didn’t make others smile before Mr./Ms. Grouchy Pants came along and tagged it
    D) Your story made me smile … and it’s Wednesday, so all is well with the world!
    E) Next time I see you, I’ll buy you a donut! 🙂

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